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Here, I would like to express my gratitude and special thanks to Margarida for her chili pepper seeds contributions and unreserved help in chili pepper identifications and information.

I am also extending my thanks to all chili heads out there who have contributed to my chili seeds collection.


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A horticulture enthusiast. My interest includes chili peppers, tomatoes, tropical orchids and many more. The objective of this blog is focus mainly on pictures of specific species or hybrids.If more information is required on specific species or hybrid, I'm pretty optimistic that you can google them out. Though at times useful links (websites) will be provided on these specific topics. Also do leave a comment if you have any question or would like more information about topics on this blog and I'll get back to you. (Updated 2015, Woodworking as a hobby)

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reply to a comment on "Hydroponic update 2"

Reply to a comment posted on "Hydroponic update 2"

Anonymous said...

I'm attempting to grow Ahi Amarillo chile peppers in a standard GH Waterfarm set-up. I sprouted the seeds in Oasis Root Cubes and transplanted those into the waterfarm. Two of the four sprouts have turned black and died. The other two are struggling. The tomatillo plants in the adjacent waterfarm are flourishing. I have the pumps turning off for 45 minutes out of ever hour at night but still fear damping off disease is getting my peppers. Any advice?

Hello there,
Here's my 2 cents worth of what may have happen to your chili seedlings and how to overcome damping off or root rot.

Firstly, the optimum temperature for growing chili peppers are between 25-32 degrees celcius and need a minimum 8 hours of light.

Damping off/root rot is usually cause by fungus or bacteria ( in culture medium ie, rock wool) infecting your seedlings. Of course that could also happen to healthy adult chili pepper plants, you can view them here. To prevent this is to sterilize your culture medium. I sterilize mine with bleach or hydrogen proxide. The other root rot prevention is to keep the culture medium moist and not wet. (a little on the dry side will do no harm)

On your comment you did not specify what type of hydroponic system you're utilising i.e a passive system, NFT(Nutrients Film Technique), Aeroponics, Drip Irrigation, etc.
I will assume you're are using either NFT system or drip irigation since you did mention about your system's pump (also assuming it to be water pump).

With drip irrigation system (which is also similar to my hydro system), it is best to keep the rock wool moist. I water the medium (spaghum moss) once a day, sometimes twice (once in the morning and once in the afternoon).

Also on my hydro system, nutrients (fluids) occupies 1/3 of pipe spacing (diameter) and culture medium(spaghum moss) occupies the other 1/3. Leaving 1/3 of pipe (diameter) exposed to air. In short, there is a gap of moist air in the pipe between the roots and the nutrients. This (moist air) happens when evaporated fluid stays inside the pipe as temperature outside soars to 31 degrees celcius during the day and stays at 25 degrees during night. Hence , its less likely the roots will get burn. Also, excessive nutrients from watering daily are drained out via a "drain hole".

I have the pumps turning off for 45 minutes out of ever hour at night but still fear damping off disease is getting my peppers. Any advice? "

You may want to check for excessive water/nutrients supplied to the rock wool.

Hope this helps.


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